SKU 2714694034 Category Sub-genre

Theo Everyday – Holsten FM


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SKU 2714694034 Category Sub-genre

Only 1 left in stock

Breaks ‘N’ Pieces sublabel Cheeky Sneakers have been issuing some pristine slabs of breakbeat goodness from the likes of Stones Taro, Talker and Denham Audio over recent times, and now they present the debut solo 12″ from Theo Everyday.

This is bright, melodic hardcore for those who like their breaks crisp and rolling, packed full of anthemic hooks and big vocal licks. From the pitched up romanticism and swooning pads of ‘The Way U Feel’ to the chunky rave stabs and 4/4 pressure of ‘Everybody’s Talking (Well Let’s Talk)’, this is a record precision engineered for maximum dancefloor satisfaction.

